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Dr. Kristin Lyerly Focuses On Importance Of Independent Leadership In 8th District Debate

Sep 30, 2024

Dr. Kristin Lyerly Focuses On Importance Of Independent Leadership In 8th District Debate 

Green Bay, WI—Dr. Kristin Lyerly just walked off the debate stage, wrapping up her first debate with Tony Wied. The debate, which was hosted by the Mauthe Center at UWGB and televised live on WBAY, covered a range of topics from inflation to abortion to immigration. Dr. Lyerly emphasized the importance of independent leadership throughout the debate. 


Read some highlights from the debate below and watch the full debate here


Dr. Lyerly on Supporting the Middle Class: 


“We’ve got to change what we are doing in this country to support the middle class… The tax cuts that President Trump passed in his last presidency really benefited the very wealthy and corporations, but the little guy bore the brunt of it. I mean, what did you get, 100 bucks out of that? But corporations and wealthy folks made out like bandits. We’ve got to focus on the middle class and give them programs that help them not only get into houses and afford food, but also attain an education, if that’s what they desire, or have a family. 


I’ve had to make that decision. I left the workforce to stay home with my oldest two sons when they were little because we couldn’t afford to put them in childcare so I could stay in the workforce. It shouldn’t be like that. We don’t have childcare providers because we’re not paying our childcare providers. We’re not valuing the people who are taking care of our most vulnerable population. We have to take steps to improve the status of the middle class.”


Dr. Lyerly on How to Increase Access to Affordable Housing: 


“When my husband and I bought our first house back in the day—many of you may have had this experience, we really wanted a house. We knew exactly what we wanted. It wasn’t that expensive. It was a starter home, but there was no way we could afford it. My mom happened to pass away and leave us a little bit of money, and that’s the only way we were able to make a down payment. 


You shouldn’t have to lose a family member to buy a house in this country, the wealthiest country on Earth. We need programs for first-time home buyers. We need federal incentives for developers and builders so that they will put their time and energy into local projects that will get these renters into homes.”


Dr. Lyerly on Abortion Rights in Wisconsin: 


“We know without a doubt that people across the country and in northeast Wisconsin believe that we all should have the freedom to make our own choices about our own bodies. That is undeniable. Saying that this is a decision for the states is a cop-out. What that means is that in states like Arkansas and Idaho, where there are no exceptions for rape or incest, that tells me that you’re okay with that. That tells me that in states with bans, where mothers die at a rate three times greater than in states without bans, you’re okay with that. It also tells me that in states like Texas, where they have a major abortion ban, infants die, babies die at a rate 12% higher than in states without bans. Are you okay with that?”


Dr. Lyerly on the Affordable Care Act: 


“The ACA was a wonderful step in the right direction, and I support the ACA. I have been very vocal in my support for the ACA. I am on the exchange myself as an independent contractor… but then we saw Republicans pulling back on the ACA, making it less available and less affordable. We need to go in the other direction.”


Dr. Lyerly on Bipartisanship: 


“I’m an independent thinker. I’m somebody who listens to people, just like I do in the office. When I’m talking to a patient, I listen… We talk about options, and then we figure out what’s the best solution for you. It’s the same strategy in a community—we share values, we have a common culture, and we’re all different. And that’s the beauty of a community like this, because we bring our different opinions together, and we create magic with it.”



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Kristin is a sixth-generation Wisconsinite, OB/GYN physician, and champion for women and families running to be the first woman elected to Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District.

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